Monday, October 7, 2013

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Menu Week of October 7th

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Menu
We are going Green….weekly menus can now be found at, then click student tab, then school nurse tab
Strawberries & Raspberries
Grape Tomatoes
Zucchini Cake made by Grade 2 and 7th grade living arts class
Fact: On average there are 200 tiny seeds in each strawberry
Fact: High in fiber and Vitamin C.
Fact: 1 cup of broccoli gives you your daily requirement of Vitamin C.
Fact:  Comes from the cabbage family.
Check out the recipe at, click on student link, then school nurse for recipes and the weekly menu.
Menus are subject to change, based upon availability.
·         Encourage a positive attitude to try new fruits and vegetables.
·         Numbers to live by: 54321 +8
o   5or more fresh fruits and vegetables a day
o   4 glasses of water
o   3 good laughs
o   2 hours or less of screen time
o   1 hour of physical activity
o   8+ hours of sleep

Healthy Bodies=Healthy Minds