Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dental Education

Hopefully the students learned how to take good care of their teeth from Island Pond Health Center dental hygienists on November 7th, below is more information about your teeth, as well as a website to go to to learn about sugary drinks and watch a cool experiment!


In the NEWS! Watch Part 1 and Part 2 you tube videos!


How much sugar is in that DRINK?

Drink or Substance (12 oz. serving)Acid pHTsp. Sugar
Water7.0 (neutral)0
Barq’s Root Beer411
Minute Maid® Orange Juice3.89
Propel® Fitness Water3.41
Red Bull® Energy Drink3.310
Mountain Dew3.312
Diet Coke3.10
Sierra Mist3.110
Full Throttle Energy Drink311
Diet Pepsi30
Sunkist® Orange Soda2.913
Dr. Pepper2.910
Vault™ Energy Soda2.912
Mountain Dew AMP12.811
SoBe Energy Citrus2.612
Minute Maid® Lemonade2.610
Diet Schweppes Tonic Water2.50
Coca-Cola Classic22.410
Battery Acid310

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coming Soon- Dental Education program by Island Pond Health Center

Dental Education Program on November 7th......Check back for an update of what we learned!

Go to http://2min2x.org/kids-healthy-mouths

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

October Health-E-tips Newsletter

Back to School Health-E-tips Newsletter

Athlete of the Month- Drew Brees

JAMmin' Minute Week of October 15th

JAM (Just a Minute) School Program

What is JAM all about?

The JAM School Program brings physical activity and health education into the classroom. JAM is designed to teach kids (and adults) healthier lifestyle habits. JAM is a free wellness resource for schools.

JAM has 3 components

JAMmin’ Minute®: A one-minute fitness routine that includes 5 very simple exercises that kids (and staff) can do while either standing at their desk or sitting in a chair. Included on this weekly communication is a health tip, something simple that teaches a healthier habit. These routines are authored by JAM.  Below is the JAM World Record Routine, which we participated in on September 27th.  JAM's goal was 2,000,000 Jammer's, they fell short, at 1, 302,077, but we were pretty excited to be part of the over 1 million Jammer's!

JAM Blast®: Athlete-delivered healthy living and eating messages with a coordinating 3-5 minute exercise routine that focuses on that athlete’s idea about what is most important for peak performance. Fun facts about each athlete are included.  Check out the athlete of the month here and at school near the MPR door.

Monthly Newsletter: A one-page health newsletter packed full of nutrition, fitness and health tips designed for school-age kids and their parents, and school personnel.  Check here each month for the new health newsletter from JAM.

Why it works

  1. It is FUN!!!
  2. Everyone is doing the same thing at the same time.
  3. Creates a sense of community and belonging.
  4. There is no judgment or competition.
  5. The JAM routines help improve strength, conditioning and coordination.
  6. Brain breaks - Improves performance through more energy & refocusing.
  7. Adds more physical activity minutes to your day.

Monday, October 15, 2012

5th and 6th Why Don't We Do It In Our Sleeves?

4th grade Motto Protect Don't Infect

In 4th grade we did many different activities.  They compiled a list of potential "hotspots" for germs, like;

  • desks
  • phones
  • keyboards
  • faucet handles
  • light switches
  • water fountain
Then they swabbed those areas with a sterile cotton swab and gently smeared the swab on an agar plate to see if we could grow any organisms. (Thank you UCVH laboratory for the donation of the plates!)

We discussed the many ways to keep germs away to include washing our hands, covering our sneeze and cough, and keeping our hands out of our mouths, ears, eyes, and nose.  In addition we talked about the many healthy things we can do to stay healthy.  We watched two cool videos and everyone created flags for their PDI Agent School!  Be sure to check out the;

  •  video below
  •  click here to watch The Life of a Sneeze 
  •  photo below of their PDI Agent School flags

We watched two cool videos and everyone created flags for their PDI Agent School!

3rd grade WANTED and UNWANTED

We read the story, "The Flu and You", created a list and made posters about, wanted and unwanted items, in reference to germs that cause illness, and watched a cool animated video, the life of a sneeze!  We certainly hope after watching the link below, you will join our Germ Buster Club by covering your cough and sneezes with your elbow and washing your HANDS!   (Click on the title to watch the cool video, The Life of a Sneeze .)


UNWANTED                                                              WANTED

2nd grade Germ Story and Activity

2nd grade Germ story and activity

Sneezy Louise was the story in second grade.  After the story we did many fun activities to include, a new song, creation and coloring of germs to go down the drain and swabbing their hands to see if we can grow any germs on agar plates.  At the end of the lesson I declared them official members of the Germ Buster club to help remind themselves and others of the importance of washing hands as well as covering coughs and sneezes.

Washing Hands Will Put Germs Down the Drain.

Grade K-1 Germ story and activity


After reading GERMS! GERMS! GERMS! and learning that germs were EVERYWHERE, the students created what they thought germs would look like if we could see them.  They used, construction paper and colored macaroni.  What a great imagination!  They all did a great job and will soon be bringing home their creations.
Germs! Germs! Germs!

Preschool Germ Story and Activity

Learning about GERMS

In preschool I read the book, Wash Your Hands, and reviewed all of the reasons the princess in the book washed her hands and when they should wash their hands too.  Then we sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star to reinforce how long it should take to properly wash your hands and we listened to a new song, check it out below!

 We also talked about the fact that we can't see real germs as well as the importance to cover a cough and sneeze.  Here is a photo of the germ creations they made after the story. They all did a great job.   As you can see the germs are not very friendly looking!  

Signing Nurse, Rub a Dub hand washing song.