What is JAM all about?
The JAM School Program brings physical activity and health education into the classroom. JAM is designed to teach kids (and adults) healthier lifestyle habits. JAM is a free wellness resource for schools.
JAM has 3 components
JAMmin’ Minute®: A one-minute fitness routine that includes 5 very simple exercises that kids (and staff) can do while either standing at their desk or sitting in a chair. Included on this weekly communication is a health tip, something simple that teaches a healthier habit. These routines are authored by JAM. Below is the JAM World Record Routine, which we participated in on September 27th. JAM's goal was 2,000,000 Jammer's, they fell short, at 1, 302,077, but we were pretty excited to be part of the over 1 million Jammer's!
JAM Blast®: Athlete-delivered healthy living and eating messages with a coordinating 3-5 minute exercise routine that focuses on that athlete’s idea about what is most important for peak performance. Fun facts about each athlete are included. Check out the athlete of the month here and at school near the MPR door.
Monthly Newsletter: A one-page health newsletter packed full of nutrition, fitness and health tips designed for school-age kids and their parents, and school personnel. Check here each month for the new health newsletter from JAM.
Why it works
- It is FUN!!!
- Everyone is doing the same thing at the same time.
- Creates a sense of community and belonging.
- There is no judgment or competition.
- The JAM routines help improve strength, conditioning and coordination.
- Brain breaks - Improves performance through more energy & refocusing.
- Adds more physical activity minutes to your day.
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